Minutes of March 2020 meeting


Minutes of a Meeting held on

11 March 2020 at 7.30pm in the Church Hall


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.  10 parishioners attended.


Cllr D Russell (Chair)                                      Cllr D Jennings (Vice)                                     Cllr K Coram

Cllr S Walsh                                                    Cllr A Walsh                                                     Mrs H Broderick (Clerk)


Open session

Parishioner expressed concerns regarding potholes on Eagle Road.  LCC Cllr Mike Thompson had spoken about LCC's position at our November meeting

Parishioner will write to Parish Council to request their support for parking bays at the school.


220                APOLOGIES               

Cllr R Cobb


There were no declarations of interest.


It was resolved to adopt the Minutes as a true record and these were signed by the Chairman.

223        CLERK'S REPORT

Clerk read out her report to update on matters outstanding since the meetings in November 2019 and January 2020.  Attached.

224        PLANNING having already been circulated to Cllrs

20/01777/FUL - Oak Tree Cottage, Spalford Road, demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings and erection of replacement dwelling.  It was resolved that there were no objections.

19/1342/HOUS - 40 Eagle Road, erection of single storey side extension.  It was resolved that there were no objections.

20/0224/HOUS - Pear Tree Farm, 2 Eagle Road, resubmission of 19/0503/HOUS with addition of a rear window on the first floor.  It was resolved that there were no objections.


Cllr Russell read out the determinations for information only.

19/1612/FUL - Orchard Farm, Wigsley Road - biomass boilers etc - approved.

19/0426/FUL - Holly Tree Farm, Eagle Road - annexe, garage etc - refused


It was resolved to agree the Terms of a Working Party as drafted.

Update was given regarding the Working Party meeting which took place on 26th February 2020.  Minutes will be available in due course.  No request was made to the PC regarding any matters requiring resolution to move forward.  PC resolved to agree action already taken.

Parishioner approached Cllrs Walsh.  Made suggestion that Severn Trent use submersible tank which pumps into tankers, rather than tank pumping out.

Cllr Russell thanked the Working Party for their work so far.

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8.05pm NKDC Cllr Peter Overton and LCC Cllr Mike Thompson arrived


PC resolved to agree WP action so far:

8th May 2020                                                  11.30am till 2pm in the Village Hall

Fly past at 1pm                                               Bar will be open

Ask parishioners to decorate houses             Small exhibition of memorabilia

Visitors can bring their own WWII memorabilia and ask for information

PC to provide under 16s in the village with a commemorative gift.

PC to provide refreshments to be kindly served by the WI.

Resolved to agree a budget of £600.

227        BANKING

New signatories were resolved as Cllr David Russell, Cllr David Jennings and Cllr Susan Walsh.  Resolved that Clerk should submit new mandate to this effect.  Resolved to remove the link (if possible) between the current account and reserve account so that there is no automatic transfers of funds between the two.

228        HERITAGE ROOM

Cllrs Russell has undertaken some repairs to the building with help from local tradesman.  It was resolved to agree a budget of £400 to pay pest control to deal with the rodent infestation.


It was resolved to agree Cllr Cobb's request to attend a training day at a cost of £55.


Cllrs were reminded to respond to emails.


It was resolved that more meetings are not required.  Council will continue to have 6 bi-monthly meetings a year with opportunity for extraordinary meetings as necessary, as set out in Standing Orders.


NKDC Cllr Overton has reported it on Fix My Street as has Cllr Susan Walsh.  Resolved that Cllr Russell would speak to the land owner as advised by LCC Cllr Thompson.


Trees have blown down in cemetery.  We are awaiting quotes to move them.

234        ALLOTMENTS

Tree surgery in the allotments has been completed.

It was resolved to agree the Allotment Agreement for 2020/21 as drafted.

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235        FINANCES

A schedule of payments made between 1st January and 29th February 2020 was circulated to the Parish Councillors.  There were no queries.  It was resolved to sign and countersign invoices paid via BACS during closed session.

Individual payments made in the period which exceeded £100:

             For                                                                                           Amount £

Rent of office and meeting room 225.00
Eon street light electricity 149.72
Heritage Room electricity bill  297.12
Total wages in the period 707.36

236        LCC REPORT

Cllr Thompson read his report (attached).  Parishioner thanked Cllr Thompson and Cllr Overton for their support at the Working Party meeting with Severn Trent etc.

237        NKDC REPORT

Parishioner on Chapel Lane has contacted Cllr Overton regarding noise from Severn Trent tankers.  Requested info regarding timescale of pumping.  Cllr Sue Walsh explained that ST were hopeful of pumping ending soon.

Precept was agreed at full Council meeting.

Funds earmarked for health and wellbeing including mental health, reducing impact on the environment and climate change.

NKDC been reliant on business rates for funding, await government announcement on this.

Proposed crematorium at Thurlby has been refused.

Grants available for events, applications in by 31 March.

Local Plan, some confusion has arisen regarding numbers published.


The next meeting will be held on 13th May 2020 together with the Annual Parish Meeting.  The Annual Parish Meeting will commence at 7.30pm with Parish Council meeting to follow at 8.00pm.


It was resolved to move into closed session.

235, item carried forward.  As agreed, invoices paid via BACS were signed and countersigned as approved.


Clerk had obtained two quotes.  It was resolved to obtain confirmation of the lower quote from Pelican Trust and if correct this will be accepted.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.00pm

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Reference numbers are taken from Minutes

177        I have contacted LCC and requested a change in the 30mph limit on School Lane.  This has been supported by LCC Councillor Mike Thompson who has proposed that the 30mph limit start at the School Lane/Hives Lane junction so that all of School Lane and Church Lane is included.

Await LCC response.

I have also requested an advisory speed limit of 20mph outside the school which has also been supported by Councillor Thompson.

I understand from Cllr Thompson that this has been turned down as they are unenforceable.

178        I have requested a 30mph passive notice for Church Lane.  This will be provided at a cost of £10.  I shall arrange payment once bank signatories have been sorted out.

207        I contacted NKDC regarding the development on Eagle Road pumping water onto the highway.  Their response was that the planning condition refers to draining for the completed development and not in relation to construction, so isn't a breach of planning control.  Water being pumped into the neighbours' gardens would be a civil matter, however LCC may be able to deal with water being pumped on the adopted highway.  I believe LCC have already looked at this.

208        I have requested a copy of the recent survey on Mill Dam Dyke.  Environment Agency have been in touch and are chasing this for me.

210        The PC's letter was sent to NKDC regarding timing of planning consultations.  NKDC responded saying that all PC's concerns are considered before planning decisions are made.

Hayley Broderick



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Lincoln Draft Transport Strategy

The County Council in partnership with City of Lincoln, North Kesteven and West Lindsey District Councils has prepared a draft Transport Strategy. A summary of this was made public prior to discussion at LCC Highways and Transport Srutiny Committee on 9th March. The focus is on reducing congestion in Lincoln and surroundings whilst developing sustainable and environmentally suitable links.

County Council Budget

At full Council on 19th February Cllr Martin Hill, Leader of Council gave his statement on the 20/21 Budget proposals. He emphasised the need for Central Government to recognise the need for a Fairer Funding Formula to address the substantial shortfall in Lincolnshire, which if increased to the average amount available to all English Local Authorities would result in an allocation to Lincolnshire of an additional £116M. A proposed increase in general Council tax of  1.5%, with a further increase of 2% for Adult Social Care (overall 3.5%) would provide £15M additional funding and is equivalent to a Band D rise of £45 per year. Despite Lincolnshire continues with one of the lowest rates in the country whilst delivering good service and value for council taxpayers.

Extra Funding for Highways and flooding:

The council is set to invest additional money in highways maintenance and flooding, with £14m of efficiency savings allowing it to still deliver a balanced budget. The council's executive members have approved budget proposals for 2020/21.


As part of his statement which included measures by the council to reduce the climate and environmental impact, Cllr Hill gave a commitment for new Council developments including roadsides to include tree planting with a tree for every county resident - that is 750000 trees.

Highways General Issues in Eagle and Hykeham West

Apart from major contract changes previously reported wef 010420, I have provisionally been informed that there are local management changes within my division, which may impact further. Details and confirmation are awaited. As soon as these are available it is my intention to request a meeting at North Scarle.

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­Church Road/School Lane speed limit

Request for review will be logged and an assessment carried out in due course. (I did comment on PC proposal and suggested that the commencement of proposed limit should be nearer to the Hives Lane junction rather than at the Church Road/School Lane junction)

School Safety Zone (SSZ)

Advisory  speed limits outside schools are no longer being installed as they will not be enforceable by the police and SSZs in general are not installed for this reason as the markings are also not enforceable without a legal order. (although in this instance (North Scarle) they are working so we would not change them.)

An assessment of a School Safety Zone has been carried out by a highways officer. They have visited the site on a number of occasions and it is felt that the markings outside the school are sufficient and no issues are currently present.

Swinderby Road and Wigsley Road

Hayley has requested an update. Swinderby Road is included in the monthly Highways Confirm Report so Highways remain aware of concerns. Wigsley Road junction is not despite my and others re-reporting.

Hives Lane

A FixMyStreet report of a blocked culvert on Hives Lane was made with concerns about sewage affecting the school. I have visited and driven along Hives Land on a number of occasions and been unable to find evidence at the location reported apart from some full dykes along the roadside near the School Lane junction. The dyke outside the school was flowing well on my visit last week with the flow from the school towards Hives Lane bridge and River Trent. I called at the school and the impression is that the concerns relate to the overall sewerage issues with are being managed by Severn Trent.

“Following the inspection, we have ordered and subsequently filled the potholes that had been reported. We have also issued an order to clear gullys on School Lane as there appeared to be some silt in them which may have been causing localised issues. We found no issues on Hives Lane and, as we have no drainage here by the looks of things, we can only conclude that this is an issue that would need addressing by the local landowner, if indeed that is possible”090320 NS


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