Minutes of a meeting held on 18 November 2015

Minutes of North Scarle Parish Council Meeting

18th November 2015

7.30 p.m. in Church Hall



Cllr Mr David Russell (Chairman)

Mrs B Baker

Mr Chris Dixon

Mr Roger Honey

Mr David Jennings

Mrs B Wells, clerk & District Councillor

2 parishioners


Cllr Mrs L Nearns

Cllr Mr A Walsh

Mrs S Appleby – District Council

Beat Team rep.


Minutes of last meeting were read.


 The Parish Council have sent in comments on 2 Planning Applications.

The land opposite Carp Lane Fisheries on Eagle Road and land on Chapel Lane for 1 dwelling. Copies of objections to these applications are available.


The old telephone box is in a bad state of repair, Open Reach are going to fit a New door. Mr S Titterton asked the Parish Council if they would pay for the renovations and the money would be raised to repay to the Council. Costs will be presented to the next meeting, this item will be on the agenda.

Concern about traffic travelling fast through the village and HGV,s using School Lane were expressed, these issues to be raised with the beat team.

The Council then moved into formal session.

Declarations of interest – None

Police – 1 theft in village

MINUTES – Approved and signed as a true record.

Matters Arising –

Mill Dam Dyke, Newark Drainage Board will clean the dyke out along Swinderby Road, Chapel lane and School Lane, the kerb on Chapel Lane has been reported to the surveyor.

Eagle Road Planning for Gypsy Site appeal will be decided by written comments to the Minister.

Caravan, Meadow Lane – A letter has been received from the Enforcement team NKDC of action to be taken to get the caravan removed from the field.

Bank – a new mandate is now in place, D. Russell, L Nearn and C Dixon are now signatures on cheques, any 2 of 3.

Mr T Gourley is working with Highways about laying stones on Folly Lane, The Parish Council insurance does not cover this work.


Correspondence –

Litter Picking

School Admission Policy – e mailed to all councillors

Cost of Parish Council Election - £882.04

Various posters for notice board

Play & Leisure

Dustbin collection dates over Christmas, to be published in magazine

LALC – Fee increase of £4.67 – Electorate 467

NKDC – Pollution report, Lodge Farm.

Street Lights

Telephone Box – already discussed in open session.


Margaret Roe explained the new transparency laws that are now in effect.  All items will now be on the Parish Council website.


A hard copy of the proposed Local Plan has been received and can be viewed on NKDC website. Various pages on North Scarle have been copied for all councillors. The hard copy is in the Parish Office for anyone to see.


It was discussed and agreed that the Clerk ask Mr Bateman if he could tidy up the Pinfold and Well Garden for the winter.


Chapel Lane for 1 dwelling for Mr Webster, comments against this application have been sent in.

New entrance off Spalford Road and extension to Aubourn Farm, the Council agree with this application.



23/07/15 – Lincoln Print & Copy   178.50

27/07/15 – Ableworld, Batteries     75.98

06/08/15 – G Worrell                       51.00

06/08/15 – E-on Lighting                195.65

10/08/15 – B.T                                  35.99

19/08/15 – P & M Croft, cemetery  218.00

19/08/15 – Anglian Water                 30.84

19/08/15 – B Bateman                      70.49

19/08/15 – Methodist Church Hall    80.00

01/09/15 – JK Solutions                    70.00

01/09/15 – E-on Heritage Room   139.27              

01/09/15 – NKDC Dog Bins                     531.50

01/09/15 – Grant Thornton(audit)    120.00

01/09/15 – G. Worrell                      51.00            



17/07/15 – Grant – litter picking       142.17

24/07/15 – Sale of Book                     15.00

24/07/15 – 10/08/15 – Adverts          255.00

08/09/15 – Gills, burial of ashes          30.00

08/09/15 – Sale of book                       15.00

08/09/15 – Adverts                               30.00


Bank Balance

Reserve Account - £32,658.93

Cheque a/c                    500.00



Telephone box to be on next agenda.

Next meeting will be on the second Wednesday in January.


There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.20.p.m