Covid 19

24th March 2020 (amended 1 September 2020)

          Emailed to:            Cllr David Jennings (Chairperson)

Cllr Susan Walsh (Vice Chairperson)

Cllr Robert Cobb

Cllr Karen Coram

Cllr David Russell

Cllr Alan Walsh

From:                     Mrs Hayley Broderick (Clerk)

Due to the uncertainty in respect of the spread of the Covid19/Coronavirus and in order to limit any risk to members of the public, elected Members or members of staff and notwithstanding any relative Government legislation or advice from relevant medical or any public body pertaining to best and safe practice, the following should be considered as part of an ongoing contingency plan and to ensure the smooth running and operation (wherever possible) of the Parish Council over the interim period.

1        Safety Statement

The Parish Council recognises and agrees that no business, meeting, service provision or service delivery of the Authority is of any importance above that of public and personal safety. As such all scheduled physical meetings will be cancelled until necessary.

2        Attendance of events by elected Members / Staff

The attendance by elected Members and members of staff of the Parish Council at appointed outside bodies, training courses or on relevant Parish Council business be subject to a) cancellation by the lead body, organisation or group; b) self-preservation or c) legislation.

Where possible and when non-attendance through personal choice was decided, apologies should be submitted by individual(s).

3        Suspension of Standing Orders / Financial Regulations

The Parish Council gives delegated authority to the Parish Clerk (in consultation with the Chairperson/Vice Chairperson of the Council) to: suspend any relevant Standing Order or Financial Regulation as necessary to ensure the smooth running and operation (wherever possible) of the Parish Council for as long as necessaryd, with the Parish Clerk to compile and maintain a list of such suspensions and reasons which will be presented to a future meeting of Council for scrutiny. 

4        Additional Delegated Authority – Staff members

The Parish Council gives additional delegated authority for as long as necessary (notwithstanding relative Government legislation or medical/relevant body advice or best/safe practice)) to the Parish Clerk in consultation with the Chairperson/Vice Chairperson of the Council to:

i)       undertake day to day duties (wherever possible and within legal constraints and with the best intentions of public safety) in order to minimise disruption to service provision and ensure business continuity.

ii)        undertake decisive actions (within legal constraints and with the best intentions of public safety) in respect of cancelling any meetings of the Parish Council, its committees or working groups.

iii)       To undertake decisive actions (within legal constraints and with the best intentions of public safety) in respect of cancelling Parish Council events or gatherings.

5        Orders for Payment

The Parish Clerk is authorised to make payments of regular and day to day invoices to ensure effective business continuation and to minimise impact on local service delivery and local business with ratification by the Parish Council to be made at the earliest and safest opportunity.

6.       Planning Matters

The Parish Council with deal with planning applications via email and gives delegated power to the Parish Clerk to collate responses and submit to NKDC (on a majority basis) for as long as necessary.  Should Councillors fail to respond to planning applications ahead of any deadline set by the Clerk during this period it shall be assumed that they are abstaining from voting.

7.       Staffing Matters

Whilst there is time limited recognition that annual staffing reviews and potential remuneration is necessary, it is approved that annual staffing reviews be delayed, and any monetary awards be backdated (once and if approved) to 1st April 2020.

8.       Policy Updates

Policy updates will be ratified as necessary by the Parish Council at a future meeting. Where any legislative changes are necessary, the Parish Clerk will update relevant documentation and implement any necessary changes.  

9.       General INFORMATION Updates

The Parish Clerk will endeavour to keep Councillors informed of developments as soon as possible by email.