Minutes of March 2017 meeting

Minutes of North Scarle Parish Meeting

15th March 2017 at 7.30pm in the Church Hall



Cllr Mr David Russell (Chairman)

Mrs B Baker

Mr D Jennings

Mr C Dixon

Mrs B Wells District Councillor

Miss J Kitchen (Clerk)

10 Parishioners



Cllr Mr R Honey

Cllr Mrs L Nearn



The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting


MINUTES OF LAST MEETING – minutes were approved and signed as a correct record



Chris from the Lowfields site came to show his plans for expansion of the original site to the fields across the road. He confirmed that the plans have been submitted to the District Council, the parish council have yet to receive them. A few of the parishioners had a few concerns about the proposed new site. The main concerns are listed below:

The noise pollution

The view of the open countryside will be gone

The planning application by Mr Brittian that was denied may have grounds to apply again

The village will be dominated by the number of caravans verse the number of houses in the village.

Once the Parish Council have received the official planning permission then we will hold an additional planning meeting to discuss the planning in dept.

One parishioner was concerned that the property down Meadow Lane has a person living in the caravan – Cllr David Russell has had several conversations with the enforcement officer regarding the property and they are aware of the caravan on the site. David will inform the enforcement officer of the new concerns.

Mr Lomax has concerns that with the new weight restriction on the A1133 the village will be used as an alternative route through – these concerns were put through to Nottinghamshire County Council when they informed us of their intentions. Parishioner to keep an eye on the traffic and if there is an increase of lorries through the village to let council know so we can inform Nottinghamshire County Council.

School Lane drainage should now be improved as the non-return value has been uncovered on the side of the dyke.

Cllr Alan Walsh has requested that if we receive a letter back from Severn Trent regarding the capability of the pumping station can all parishioners have a copy.

Parishioner Sue Walsh has asked if we had heard anything back from planning department regarding the planning on School Lane building line. – We haven’t received anything at present as soon as we do I will inform the parish.

There is a white artic lorry coming through the village – as we do not know any more details we cannot act on it. Parishioner is going to try find out where the vehicle is going.



BT have still not contacted me regarding the telephone box, the District Council have sent over our information.

Wishing seats – these have been budgeted into 2017/2018 and we will be considering this the beginning of the next financial year.

Need to chase up with Cllr Nearn is she has spoken to Acorn Recovery.



Grass Cutting – we have had correspondence from the District Council that they will take over cutting the grass in the amenity areas.

We have had a phone call regarding spraying around the grave stones on the Cemetery. We will inform the new contractor



Aubourn Farm, Wigsley Road REF: 17/0225/FUL

Change of mobile home to living accommodation for farm worker

Proposed DJ Seconded AW

Field Farm Cottage Besthorpe Road North Scarle REF: 17/0250/FUL

Erection of extension to dwelling along with removal of existing stables and construction of new stable building

Proposed CD Seconded DJ



The internet banking is still not fully set up as we are still waiting for L Nearns activation code.

The cheques that have been paid since the last meeting:

BT  £41.52
J KITCHEN  £240.00
G WORRELL  £57.60
BT  £40.99
B BATEMAN £25.45
E.ON £289.20
 J KITCHEN  £240.00
G WORRELL £57.60
E.ON    £86.40




The next meeting will be held on 17th May 2017.



David Russell, Beryl Baker and David Jennings attended a meeting at the invitation of Thorpe on the Hill Parish Council who were hoping to re-instate Parish Cluster meetings.

Representatives from Thorpe, Doddington, Swinderby, Eagle and North Scarle attended.  Skellingthorpe will also be part of the group.

Items on the Agenda included ‘General discussion around ongoing issues / problems in respective parishes and agree a way forward’ and ‘Share parish initiatives and best practice’.

Discussion started on speeding traffic on narrow roads and Thorpe said they had a problem with a great number of vehicles (4,000 on one day) passing through.

Traffic Calming is being tried at Thorpe and Doddington would like a pedestrian crossing by the Hall but the cost will be horrendous (£150,000 – 200,000).

There is an inter-active speed sign at Eagle and we may be able to borrow it.  It was also mentioned that the local PCSO may be able to get hold of one.

The ‘Neighbourhood Plan’ was discussed in some detail, Thorpe having just completed theirs and they have found it useful in planning decisions as when the ‘Plan’ is accepted by the village and NKDC all new planning should abide by it although appeals can still be made.  The initial cast can be up to £7,000 and further amendments could add a further large sum.  However Thorpe has provided us with copies and will help if we decide to go ahead with a ‘Plan’ for North Scarle.

Eagle expressed concern about telephone and broadband connections and said Openreach engineers said there were not enough lines.

It was felt that the meeting was worthwhile and being in a group will probably carry more weight on issues that affect us all.

The next meeting will be on the 5th June 2017

Mrs Brighton chair of North Kesteven District Council is retiring – ACTION JKITCHEN TO SEND CARD

Cllr David Jennings has asked as the minutes are in the North Scarle Parish Council website can we just sign the minutes instead of clerk reading them out. Agreed by council this was a good idea.


There being no other business the chairman closed the meeting at 8.45pm