Minutes of November 2017 meeting


Minutes of the Meeting held on

15th November 2017 at 7.30pm in the Church Hall



Cllr Mr David Russell (Chairman)

Cllr Mr D Jennings

Cllr Mr C Dixon

Cllr Mr R Honey

Miss J Kitchen (Outgoing Clerk)

Mrs H Broderick (Incoming Clerk)

7 Parishioners



Mr A Walsh

Mrs B Baker

Cllr Mrs L Nearn

Cllr Mrs B Wells District Councillor



The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.



The Chairman welcomed and introduced the new Parish Clerk, Hayley Broderick.



Minutes of the meeting held on 13 September 2017 were approved and signed as a correct record.

Minutes of the additional planning meeting held on 27 September 2017, were read out by the Chairman as follows:

A meeting was held on the above date, in the Church Hall.

The Parish Council Chairman welcomed 15 parishioners to the meeting.

A discussion ensued regarding the application for 2 residential plots for the travellers’ site.  Please find attached full points of the discussion held.  The proposal to object was by Roger Honey and seconded by David Jennings.

A letter of resignation was read out from our Clerk, giving a month’s notice.

Mr Peter Merrick attended, representing North Scarle Primary School (see attached notes).

The meeting closed at 8.30pm and the Chairman thanked everyone for attending.



At the Chairman’s request the Open Session was moved up the Agenda to give parishioners more chance to give their comments.

Jess read out at email received from Dr Thomas Brookes of School Lane, who was unable to attend in person.  He is concerned about the issue of surface water on School Lane.  He commented that after rainfall, the whole length of School Lane is affected and half of the width of the road in places.  Could the Parish Council and Highways look into and improve the drainage before there is an accident?

The Chairman commented that at a recent meeting with the Highways Department to discuss their budget they were informed that the department is short of money for repairs, potholes etc.  We are still waiting for them to complete repairs to Chapel Lane so hold out little hope of further repairs being undertaken.

The Chairman asked if anybody had taken photos.  It was suggested that Dr Brookes could contact the department direct with photos and perhaps gain back up from other residents on School Lane before the Parish Council get involved.  Contact details can be found in North Scarle Matters.

Michael Chennells has assured the Chairman that his vehicles no longer use School Lane and are using Chapel Lane instead.

The question was raised regarding the situation at Lowfields.  Chris at Lowfields had already contacted the Chairman asking for information to be passed on at the meeting:  The soil is being removed to allow the pools to be dug. The pools will then be lined with clay and filled with water.  Any remaining soil will be landscaped in line with the approved plans, hopefully within the next 2 weeks.




Rivendell House, 4 Chapel Lane

Amendment – further access and parking details, new gate and 3 parking spaces at the front of the house within the current garden.

Discussion regarding location, type of shop (selling dog food) and current parking situation.  Some concern regarding the size of delivery lorries.


Proposed: Roger Honey

Seconded: David Jennings



Land on Eagle Road

Notification of planning sub-committee meeting on 21 November at Sleaford at 5pm.

The Chairman asked for people to attend the meeting with him.  Roger Honey to attend.  The Chairman had the planning committee’s correspondence – the planning officer has recommended the application be refused.  However, the Chairman feels the meeting should still be attended by as many people as possible.  This application is classed as a separate application to the previous application.


Lancaster House, Wigsley Road

Erection of oak framed garden room to rear.


Proposed: Chris Dixon

Seconded: David Jennings



Land to rear of numbers 27-37 South Scarle Lane

Outline planning permission for 5 dwellings being 2 x three beds and 3 x four beds

Jess explained the exact position of access road and proposed plans (behind the retirement homes on South Scarle Lane).

Concerns expressed about ratio of large family houses to retirement dwellings in the village and also lack of affordable housing in the village.  Concerns about sewage system being overloaded.  Access would be an adoptable road which leads to concerns that further planning applications may be sought in the future.

Comments:  Would like to see smaller, affordable housing on the site which is badly needed in the village.


Proposed: Chris Dixon

Seconded: Roger Honey



Dogs on the public footpath adjacent to land off Eagle Road.  Jess didn’t write to the owners because she bumped into them.  Their response was that the animals are on their land and they shouldn’t have to shut them away regardless of the fact that there is a public footpath.

David Russell suggested we find out if there is a footpath officer we could contact regarding this.

Concerns also expressed about the amount of caravans parked on the property and noise from dogs barking.

This will be revisited in due course.

Meadow Lane.  Concern that people are living there, dogs and horses running loose.  David Russell to contact the Enforcement Officer.






Date    Payee  Amount £
29.9.17  Magic Mowers (mower repair)    312.15
10 10.17   Grass cutting at churchyard (Bateman)   64.00
10.10.17    Cemetery maintenance (White House Gardens)    153.08
10.10.17     BT 43.45
17.10.17    Grass cutting at churchyard (Bateman)    70.76
26.10.17 Clerk’s wages (J Kitchen)  240.00
1.11.17   Litter picking (G Worrell)     60.00
13.11.17  BT 43.33
13.11.17 Grass cutting at churchyard (Bateman)  32.00
13.11.17  Methodist Church Hall (office rent)  160.00



The next meeting will be held on 10th January 2018 (this is a provisional date)


Christmas Lunch:  Roger Honey has had enquiries about the date for the village Christmas Lunch.  It is understood that it will take place on 14th December and details will be in the next issue of North Scarle Matters.

Hedge Cutting: David Russell has spoken to Michael Chennells.  He will cut the hedge to the left of cemetery, (Cllr David Jennings advised that this has already been done) David Jones will cut the right side.  This work will be done free of charge. We are obtaining quotes to cut inside the cemetery hedges and dispose of the cuttings.


There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.22pm.