Minutes of January 2017 meeting

Minutes of North Scarle Parish Meeting

11th January 2017 at 7.30pm in the Church Hall



Cllr Mr David Russell (Chairman)

Mrs B Baker

Mrs L Nearn

Mr D Jennings

Mr C Dixon

Mrs B Wells District Councillor

Miss J Kitchen (Clerk)

17 Parishioners


Cllr Mr R Honey


Cllr A Walsh



The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting

MINUTES OF LAST MEETING – minutes were approved and signed as a correct record

DECLARATION OF INTEREST – Cllr L Nearn declared her interest in the planning application change of use of Land Wigsley Road REF 16/1623/LDEX.


Parishioner Mavis spoke about the telephone box, she expressed her concerns about the restricted view she has reversing out her drive. Her and her husband have looked after the telephone box over the years, cleaned, and even used but times have changed now the street is busy the parking is bad down the High Street. She would be very happy for the telephone box to be removed. Parishioner Steve Titterton responded to Marvis regarding the telephone box, stating that is a crying shame for the telephone box to be removed as it is part of the village heritage and was there before they moved into the bungalow. The Men’s club are going to look after the telephone box restoring in and possibly changing the use to a notice board or information board. Other parishioners asked if there was any chance of the phone box being moved elsewhere in the village but the financial impact as the telephone box is connected to the street lights. Parish clerk explained that she has spoken to the District Council and they are passing our information over to British Telecommunications we expect to hear back from them February time.

Parishioner Steve Titterton asked what we planning on doing to with the wishing well seats as Steve has found some for £99 each. Cllr David Russell explained that we will budget into next year.

Parishioner Mr Lomax expressed his concerns again regarding the traffic down School Lane and the if the planning for the 7 dwellings on Eagle Road is in the curtilage, Cllr David Russell showed Mr Lomax the copy of the curtilage that confirms the houses are in the North Scarle curtilage – maybe an old copy as it doesn’t match the North Kesteven version. Mr Lomax is concerned about the decision on the planning as the similarly of the planning applications that have been refused at the stables on Chapel Lane. Cllr David Russell explained that each planning application is individual. Regarding the traffic on School Lane, there have been a red flat bed wagon (identified as Acorn recovery) has been seen with a trailer attached to the front going down School Lane. ACTION – CLLR L NEARN TO GO SPEAK TO HIM

Cllr L Nearn – explained about the tracking on her lorries if anyone has any issues regarding Flying Hire lorries to contact Lindsay ASAP, her drivers go through rural and urban driving courses. Spoke to parishioner Mr Lomax regarding his near miss with a lorry he thought that might be flying hire.

Parishioner P Croft explained that regarding his planning that the planning officers where positive regarding his for developing of the village. Cllr B Baker expressed her concerns regarding the sewage pumps, Cllr David Russell explained that sewage company has been notified.

Parishioner Steve Titterton asked P Croft about the planning of the 7 dwelling if they are going to be large housed on small plots. P Croft confirmed this isn’t the case.


Clerk confirmed the new prices for the burial plots and allotment rents are now in force. ACTION J KITCHEN TO PUT IN NSM


Cllr David Russell has spoken to the enforcement officer, he complained about someone living in a building down Ticklebelly Lane. They asked if they had toilets, wash and cooking facilities if they haven’t they are not breaking the law.

Also the land on Meadow Lane has been sold, the new people have more animals on there. There was an altercation when the women wouldn’t leave her caravan, she has now left the caravan but trashed it. The enforcement officer has met the new gentleman and says that he is nice bloke and trying to clean up, she is going to leave him a couple of months to clear up and try to get the trashed caravan moved. If it is not moved then they might allow him to keep it on the land for other uses not to sleep in.

Cllr David Russell spoke to Micheal Chennels and he would tell all vehicles to use a different route and not School Lane. Very co-operative and to let him know of any of his vehicles continue to use the road.

Cllr David Russell update on Highways – Hedges on Eagle road been done. Another accident at the crossroads on Wigsley Road, the sign used to say 100 yards crossroads to warn people now the sign only says give way. Cllr D Jennings asked what the road markings were like, Cllr David Russell confirmed that the road markings are ok.

Mr Fennelley has quoted for the grass cutting in the cemetery, £35.00 per cut including trimming spraying under the hedges, tidying and anything else which needs doing apart from the hedges. We must find someone to cut the hedges.

Clerk J Kitchen explained that a letter will be sent to Gregory-Smiths regarding the dogs off the footpath. Dog fouling in the village I have spoken to Mark Taylor and he is sending the information of what action we can take.

Cllr David Jennings – the pile soil on School Lane has been moved.


Letter from the District Council regarding the grass cutting, the amount of cuts per year are being reduced due to their budget. We need to find someone that will cut the areas that are not going to be cut after April 2017.


Change of use of Land Wigsley Road REF 16/1623/LDEXI – Mr Joe Nearn explained that this is a certificate of lawful development. Proposed DJ Seconded CD

7 Dwellings Eagle Road REF 16/1235/OUT – Cllr B Baker expressed her concerns about the sewage. Cllr D Jennings expressed concerns about the number of driveways onto Eagle Road and to ensure that the construction vehicles are not parked on Eagle Road. Proposed LN Seconded DJ

First floor extension and single storey rear and side extension White Hart Inn REF 16/1595/FUL – Cllr D Jennings asked if the building was listed no other comments made. Proposed LN Seconded BB


The internet banking is still not fully set up as we are still waiting for L Nearns activation code.

 The cheques that have been paid since the last meeting:


Methodist Church (room rent)  £160.00
British Legion £20.00
P & M Croft    £351.50
EON Lighting   £244.51
SLCC Membership   £38.00
J Kitchen    £240.00
G Worrell    £57.60
Lincoln Print & Copy £187.95
BT   £40.99
EON  £56.40
J Kitchen £240.00
G Worrell    £57.60

Precept to be done via email


The next meeting will be held on 15th March 2017.


Cllr David Jennings – the carpark at the cemetery is very bad condition, the problem is that people are using it to turn round. It was suggested that when the council have the funds we can put down the grass rubber matting to stop all the grass being churned up.

Cllr Lindsay Nearns – Flying Hire has been accepted for funding from EMAS for being a first responder team, all employees will be trained and they will serve the village and surrounding areas.

Cllr Beryl Baker suggested that we put something in NSM welcoming the villagers and letting them know what goes on in the village. ACTION J KITCHEN TO PUT IN NSM

There being no other business the chairman closed the meeting at 8.17pm