Minutes of July 2018 meeting
Minutes of a Meeting held on
10 July 2018 at 7.30pm in the Church Hall
The Vice-Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Cllr Mr D Jennings (Vice-Chair)
Cllr Mrs B Baker
Cllr Mr C Dixon
Cllr Mr R Honey
Cllr M A Walsh
Mrs H Broderick (Clerk)
LCC Cllr M Thompson
3 Parishioners
Open session
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The Vice-Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained that he would Chair the meeting in the Chairman's absence. |
Apologies received from: Cllr Mr D Russell NKDC Cllr P Rothwell Absent (apologies not received) Cllr Mrs L Nearn |
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TO RECEIVE ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST in accordance with the Localism Act 2011, and consider any requests for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or other Interests as outlined in the Council's Code of Conduct There were no Declarations of Interest. |
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It was resolved to adopt the Minutes as a true record. |
It was resolved that there were no objections. |
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It was resolved that there were no objections. |
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It was resolved that there were no objections. |
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SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS MADE SINCE THE MAY MEETING The Clerk read out the schedule of payments made since the meeting on 9th May 2018: |
It was resolved to agree these expenses and invoices paid via BACS were signed and counter-signed. |
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BANK RECONCILIATION - QUARTER ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 This had been prepared by the Clerk and was distributed to Councillors. It was resolved that a 6 monthly bank reconciliation would be sufficient in future. |
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DONATION TO BRITISH RED CROSS This was at the request of Cllr Russell and was deferred in his absence. |
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CHANGE TO PUBLICATION OF NORTH SCARLE MATTERS Suggestion had been received that the magazine should be produced quarterly rather than bi-monthly. Report produced by the Clerk showed that doing this would provide a saving to the Parish Council of approximately 50%. It was resolved that the magazine should be reduced to 4 editions per year with effect from the January 2019 issue. It was resolved that all advertisements placed by commercial companies should be billed. |
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LOCATION OF LAND DEEDS Clerk confirmed that Land Deeds are held by Wilkin Chapman LLP Solicitors. It was resolved that these remain with Solicitors; copies not required by the Parish Council. |
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LINCOLNSHIRE ROAD SAFETY PARTNERSHIP Parishioner expressed concern that traffic (tractors in particular) are speeding past his property. He also wishes to volunteer to receive training to operate the speed gun. As LRSP rules require a minimum of 3 volunteers (we have 2) it was resolved to advertise for further volunteers in North Scarle Matters and move forward again when necessary volunteers come forward. It was resolved to defer the matter of 30mph passive notices until further information is received from LRSP. |
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NKDC/HERITAGE ROOM LEASE Clerk reported that a 3 month deadline extension has been requested and approved by NKDC. It was resolved that our counter offer would be:
Other items in their schedule dated 31 January 2018 were agreed. |
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BENCH OUTSIDE RETIREMENT BUNGALOW Comment had been received that the bench needs varnishing. A parishioner has volunteered to do this, and it was resolved to accept this offer. |
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LAND ON MEADOW LANE Clerk read out an email received from the owners of the land on Meadow Lane (Willow Farm). She was upset that suggestions had been made that the land was being used illegally. It was resolved that the Clerk ask the owner permission to include her email in North Scarle Matters. |
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SCHOOL LANE DRAINAGE ISSUES/SEVERN TRENT It was resolved to defer this item in the absence of Cllr Russell although Cllr Walsh reported that he knew of a couple of cases of a rebate being received. |
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OFFICE SECURITY It was resolved to ask Sue Hunter for permission to fit a Yale lock to the office door and, if in agreement, find out costs involved. |
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NEED FOR SECOND PARISH COUNCIL NOTICE BOARD It was resolved that Cllr Honey and the Clerk would check the state of the current board and discuss at the next meeting, if necessary. |
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ALLOTMENTS It was resolved to agree retrospective repair of a gate post to one allotment. Someone else had expressed concern about overgrown trees and it was resolved that Cllr Honey and the Clerk to check the state of the trees. |
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JUBILEE GARDENS We have a volunteer tidying the gardens who has requested permission to replace the woodchip. It was resolved to allow a maximum spend of £30. |
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DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on 12th September 2018. |
There being no other business the Vice-Chairman closed the meeting at 8.33pm.
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OBE honours for Lincolnshire children's services champions:
Councillor Mrs Patricia Bradwell, executive councillor for children’s services, and Debbie Barnes, director of children’s services, have been awarded OBEs in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list for 2018.
Council Leader, Martin Hill said; “Both Patricia and Debbie have been instrumental in transforming Lincolnshire’s children’s services into a beacon of excellence and this is fully deserved. Over ten years ago children’s services were performing moderately, but through their drive and leadership and the support of a strong team, we are now rated by Ofsted as one of the best performers in the country, including excellence in children’s safeguarding, which is almost unique nationally.”
Highways Fault reporting
Fault reporting arrangements have been changed with additional staff allocated to respond to enquiries. Clearly further work is required and is taking place in liaison with the FixMyStreet platform. Unfortunately the facility for updates has been removed until a new system is developed.
North Hykeham Relief Road
Briefing sessions and public drop in sessions were arranged. I attended a workshop event on 5th June when the current plans and various options were discussed. Further information and survey are available on: www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/nhrr
Call for evidence on the Green Paper on older people:
The Rural Services Network and National Centre for Rural Health and Care have agreed to cooperate in an evidence call on behalf of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Rural Services. Paper deferred til October.
Nigel West (Head of LCC, Democratic Services) and myself paid a visit to North Scarle School to support their School Council Election. On 21st May children then visited County Offices and took part in a debate and vote in the Council Chamber with the assistance of officers from Democratic Services. Afterwards they visited City of Lincoln Council at the Guildhall.
I have recently attended the launch of MEP Food Heroes project, National Centre for Rural Health and Care, and events relating to Armed Forces Week and HealthWatch 2020 Vision debate.
Mike Thompson LCC Cllr Eagle and Hykeham West