Minutes of the Meeting on 8th March 2023


Minutes of a meeting held on 8 March 2023 at 7.30pm in North Scarle Village Hall

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting at 7.30pm.



Cllr D Jennings – Chairman                          Cllr S Walsh -Vice Chairwoman

Cllr K Coram                                                 Cllr D Russell

Cllr A Walsh                                                  Cllr K Ward

Mrs H Broderick (Clerk)

14 parishioners attended.


Open Session:

No comments.

557        APOLOGIES

Apologies received from Cllr R Pullen.


Cllr Ward declared an interest in item 5 on the agenda, as a member of the Caravan and Motorhome Club.


It was resolved to adopt the Minutes as a true record and they were signed by the Chairman.

560        PLANNING having already been circulated to Cllrs, were read aloud:


22/0766/OUT - outline application for 9 dwellings with garages and associated access road - Land off Chapel Lane.  This application was discussed at length and after consideration of comments made by parishioners, applicant and Councillors, it was proposed that the application should be objected to for the following reasons:

North Scarle has a very high water table so soakaways do not work.  The problems on Eagle Road were cited as an example which was an expensive, stressful and lengthy problem to resolve, not for the developers but for the residents.  Run-off water is a huge problem in the village.

  • The Flood Risk Assessment isn't detailed enough and doesn't set out where the excess water will go.
  • There are concerns about the safety of the proposed entrance.  It doesn't appear to be wide enough to accommodate a road and footpath(s). 
  • Our pumping station doesn't work effectively.  Despite our hard work in conjunction with Severn Trent, the village still has to be serviced by tankers to back up the pumping station.
  • The majority of people who live on Chapel Lane and were asked their opinions as part of the Neighbourhood Consultation have objected.
  • There are concerns as to the future of the two oak trees near the entrance to the development.

This was resolved (all in favour).

23/0143/HOUS - erection of single storey rear extension - Fir Tree Farm, Spalford Lane.  The application was discussed. It was proposed to approve the application.  This was resolved (all in favour).

23/0101/FUL - installation of 2 grain silos, construction of oil tank room and intake canopy - Grove Pet Foods, Lodge Farm, Wigsley Road.  The application was discussed.  It was proposed to approve the application.  This was resolved (all in favour).

Decision Notices - for information only

21/0357/LDPRO – Appeal re proposed change of use of agricultural dwellings to 3 dwellings.  Appeal allowed.

22/1663/FUL - Plots Farm, Spalford Road.  Application approved.

22/1660/FUL - North Scarle Playing Field (tennis courts).  Application approved.


Applicant attended and provided a report (attached).  Chairman had been told by NKDC that applicant had not contacted them ahead of the application being made.  Application disagreed and said that C&MHC have consulted NKDC.  Enforcement officer had visited and didn't know about the C&MHC process.  Chairman expressed concern re entrance.  Application response - there are two sets of gates, one for security, but the gates will open inwards and meet the requirements. Parishioner asked where water and sewage will go.  Applicant response - there is a geotextile grid so any water will disburse, may need planning permission for a septic tank but it won't go into the sewage system. Parishioner asked if applicant intends to expand beyond 5 pitches. Chairman said that any expansion would require planning permission. Applicant response - he has no intention of expanding beyond 5 pitches.  Parishioner expressed concerns about noise from the site.  Applicant offered to add landscaping and pointed out there is a bund. Parishioners said adjacent properties hadn't been visited or contacted by applicant prior to work starting.  Applicant disputed this. Chairman suggested that more communication was needed.  Parishioner suggested that the site goes beyond permitted development and understood applicant had been told to submit a planning application and stop work.  Applicant disputed this.  NKDC enforcement officer had spoken to the Chairman today and confirmed that no stop notice had been issued.  Parishioner said applicant had been told to continue at this own risk and the Chairman agreed but didn’t believe an application had been requested by NKDC but would be needed for septic tank, high fences etc. See also below*.


Cllr Overton reported on:

Elections.  Cllr Overton will not be standing in this Ward at the next election.  A new Councillor will be needed, and Cllr Overton is happy to help them.

Drainage.  Still waiting for progress on Chairman's letter presented to TVIDB.

Eagle Road.  The problems were eventually solved thanks to TVIDB finding funds and in conjunction with Witham Drainage Board.  Parishioner asked how much of public funds was spent on this.  Cllr Overton commented that the total amount was £30/40,000 (some budgeted, some from TVIDB)

Policing.  Lincolnshire is lacking in funding. PCSO numbers are reducing.  Will Jones will be our new PCSO.

Budget.  Now agreed.

Council Tax.  Small rise.

Parishioner thanked Cllr Overton for his support over the years.

*Caravan (item 561). Cllr Overton asked if there's anything he can do.  Seems to be some confusion as to whether planning permission is required/requested.  Parishioner had it in writing that planning permission is required.  Chairman had been told planning permission wasn't required.  It was proposed and resolved that the Clerk should seek clarification on this point.

Chairman thanked Cllr Overton for his help over the years.

Cllr Overton left the meeting.

563        FINANCES

A schedule of payments made between 1 January 2023 and 28 February 2023 was circulated to the Parish Councillors ahead of the meeting.  Cllr Coram asked what the "allotment repair" was.  Chairman had been approached by a tenant requesting a new gate post.  This was then erected by the tenant (point to note that there is an electricity cable close to the gate - Clerk to add this to the plans).  It was resolved to agree the payments.  Invoices paid via BACS were signed and countersigned.

Individual payments made in the period which exceeded £100:



Amount £


Street light electricity



Heritage room electricity



Printing North Scarle Matters



Allotments tree work



Heritage Room Rent



Heritage room electricity



Total wages in the period



A request for funding had been received. This was discussed.  Cllrs would like more information before an amount is agreed.  It was proposed and resolved that the Clerk would ask whether the building would be replaced or refurbished and how much are they hoping to raise.


This was discussed.  Organiser attended. Intention is to have a village BBQ.  Parish Council still hold £750 in donations which remains unspent from the cancelled Jubilee Celebration.  Donors have agreed these funds can be help by the Parish Council for future events. Cllr Coram proposed that up to £1,000 be donated being the £750 donations and £250 s.137 and this was resovled.  It was noted that some decorations should be in storage following the Jubilee.


Chairman had information from Collingham Parish Council.  The example proposed was a light grey self-healing rubber pinboard from Green Barnes Limited which holds 15 x A4 sheets and costs £609.35 plus metal work. Chairman suggested the bridge as a good central location.  Cllrs were concerned about the location.  It was proposed that the £413.48 CIL from NKDC should be used towards the purchase of the new board and this was resolved. 

567        POLICIES

The following policies were discussed:

  • Health and Safety
  • Expenses
  • Sickness and absence
  • Grievance and disciplinary
  • Burial Ground

Some minor amendments to the drafts were proposed, discussed and resolved.

568        ALLOTMENTS

Tenant had requested information regarding:

  • Fruit trees - needs to ask permission (per 6j of tenancy agreement) and for personal use (per 3) only but dwarfing root stock to be removed or left at no charge to a new tenant.
  • Bonfires - will not be allowed on the gardens.  Tenants are encouraged to recycle and refer to 6b.
  • Running water.  Prohibitive costs won't allow this.  Tenants are encouraged to recycle.
  • Tree root growth. This will be looked at again in September.
  • Bee keeping (for a third party in this case). This will not be allowed as it would be classed as sub-letting (per 6e) and there were concerns regarding safety.

Chairman pointed out that tenants should preferably have their own Public Liability Insurance as part of their home insurance.

These points were all discussed as above.  These were resolved and the Tenancy Agreement will be amended to reflect these discussions.  Clerk will amend and requested that the redrafted document be approved by email to expedite its issue - this was agreed.

Clerk to make a note to arrange an inspection of the allotments in September.

Cllr S Walsh would like to see the Deeds for the allotment land.  It was resolved that the Clerk would request this information from the solicitors.


Mower uses E5 petrol.  We need a 20L metal petrol can, Chairman proposed this and it was resolved.  Parish Council to check with handyman that he has a fire extinguisher and first aid kit, if not Chairman proposed we purchase these items and this was resolved.

570        DOG FOULING

Cllr Ward brought a mock-up of a proposed dog bag dispenser to be placed in various locations in the village and this was discussed.  Chairman proposed 4 locations.  All resolved.

571        LCC REPORT

LCC Cllr Thompson was absent but had reported as follows:

County Council Meeting 17th February 2023

Council agreed a tax rise of 4.99% in total (this includes a 2% rise for adult care). Lincolnshire will still have one of the lowest council tax rates in the country. Despite the rise in council tax, and additional government funding, the council will still need to use a further £7.5m from its reserves to balance the books, based on current projections. The final budget included the addition of £8.7m to the development fund. The money for this will be drawn from the council’s reserves, and it will be used for projects that benefit local communities. There was also an additional £7m for road maintenance, meaning the highways budget for 2023/24 has now risen to around £93m. 

The budget also includes:

£275m for adult care and community wellbeing

£84m for children’s social care

£22m for Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue


It was resolved to agree the date of the next meeting as 17 May 2023 at 7.30pm.


It was resolved to move into closed session.


Clerk has received several expressions of interest in the land.  It was proposed that Wilkin Chapman will prepare a Farm Business Tenancy Agreement (FBT) at an approximate cost of £900 and this was resolved.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.53pm.


On the 1st of July we made a formal application to open a Certificated Location under the Motorhome and Caravan Club Site.  This was posted under application number 178/CR/MW/22

On the 1st of July a formal notification of the application was posted on the gate. North Kesteven District Council were also consulted directly by the Motorhome and Caravan Club.

From the 1st of July – we entered into a 21 day formal consultation period. The site notice remains in place today.

Leaflets were posted either side of the proposed park. We also visited residents to discuss any concerns regarding the low impact scheme.

It is important to note that no planning permission is needed for 5 pitches.

The Club’s role in certification

As an exempt organisation the Motorhome and Caravan Club have the ability to issue CL certificates to landowners to run small five pitch touring sites, for the exclusive use of members across the UK and Northern Ireland. This is because the motorhome and caravan club are an exempt organisation under both The Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 and the Caravans Act (Northern Ireland) 1963.

Work completed to date includes improvements to the entrance, fencing, and layout of pitches.

No permanent hard standings or concrete has been used to form pitches, and the field has been cut and levelled.


Locally sourced Lincolnshire post and rail fencing has been used to fence the site.

Terram grass grids have also been used to enable cars, caravans and cars to park within their pitches. These provide excellent drainage and provide a permeable, natural safe surface. Grass will grow through these areas.

Local contractors have been used to complete work which is de-minimus in nature.

Electricity and water will be provided to service pitches and applications have been made to utility providers. Approved contractors will be used to complete work under approved schemes to meet building control requirements.

There is no intention to provide external shower or toilet facilities.

North Kesteven District Council

Our team have liaised with North Kesteven District Council following a formal site visit. They have been advised planning permission is not required for the work completed.

The application for CL status has been forwarded to them. NKDC  have not issued a Temporary Stop Notice or Issued Enforcement Proceedings.

Planning permission may be required for a small cess pit and we have no objections submitting a formal application if this is required.

It is important to note this site is ONLY open to Motorhome & Caravan Club Members the code of conduct and bye laws are available here.
