Minutes of a meeting on 10 July 2024


Minutes of a meeting held on 10 July 2024 at 7.30pm in North Scarle Village Hall

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting at 7.30pm.


Cllr D Jennings                                                 Cllr S Walsh

Cllr K Coram                                                                   Cllr R Pullen

Cllr W Tucker                                                   Cllr A Walsh

Cllr K Ward

Mrs H Broderick (Clerk)

3 parishioners attended.


Open session:

Parishioner commented that the footpath between the Duck Ponds and the Cemetery is inaccessible.  This land belongs to the Chairman so he agreed to resolve this. 

Parishioner asked why we still have the unused notice board outside the Post Office.  Chairman commented that it needs removing in due course.

722        APOLOGIES





It was resolved to adopt the Minutes as a true record and they were signed by the Chairman.

725        FLOODING

The Chairman of FANS had sent her apologies.  The Chairman provided a summary of their full report which is at the end of these Minutes.

Consider sending a solicitors’ letter to the EA.  Advice from LALC, likely outcome, expense and lack of PC powers and authority were discussed as well as the fact that the EA have told FANS that work can’t be done until September.  Cllr Ward proposed that no letter should be sent and this was resolved (6 in favour, 1 against). If there is no progress in September other possible action may be considered. More pressure needs to be applied to LCC but S.19s are still being processed.


Cllr Tucker thanked Ken and Sarah Hall for their hard work and provided an update. The EP follows guidelines and the format of other PC’s EPs.  It will need to be reviewed regularly and kept up to date.  A final copy will need to be sent to Lincolnshire County Council and Nottinghamshire County Council.

Cllrs had been provided with the current draft version prior to the meeting and their agreement/comments requested regarding:

Location of sandbag storage.  After discussion it was resolved that the PC is happy to have the sandbags stored in the shed on Allotment Plot 2 (currently rented to Ken Hall) which will be left in situ should the tenancy change hands.  Location of the shed key to form part of the EP. Noted that the village hall would be a good location but current storage facilities aren’t suitable due to Health and Safety.

Emergency Box location. After discussion it was resolved that the PC is happy for this to be at a private residence (rather than a public place) and arrangements will be made regarding access.

WiFi in the village hall.  Cllr Coram confirmed this will be available in due course but responsibility for this is with the VH Committee rather than the PC.

PC Contact details for the EP. After discussion it was resolved that contact details for Cllrs David Jennings and Bill Tucker should be added to the EP.

Filing system. After discussion it was resolved that, once finalised the Clerk will add a redacted pdf version to our website and Facebook and keep an electronic copy in the PC’s filing system.

727        FINANCES

A schedule of payments made between 1 May and 30 June 2024 was circulated to the Parish Councillors ahead of the meeting.  Invoices paid were signed and countersigned.  Individual payments made in the period which exceeded £100:


Heritage Room Rent



Internal Audit



Heritage room electricity






Heritage room electricity



Heritage Room Rent



Street Light Maintenance



Wages in the period



At the May meeting Cllr S Walsh had asked about the possibility of Lottery funding.  The Clerk had sent some information to the Cllrs but hadn’t received any further ideas or comments.  It was suggested that funding would be well spent on the play area if the PC could apply and pass the funds on to the Village Hall Committee.  NKDC Cllr Goldson suggested the Clerk contact the Lottery Officer at NKDC to find out what information they would need at the application stage.


Two requests had been received from the Village Hall and Playing Field Committee for help as follows:

£3,605 grass cutting and maintenance

£1,140 rubber matting for the play area.

Due to some administrative issues, VH can’t apply for funding currently and is struggling financially.

Playing field is owned by the PC and is a village asset.  Income from caravans and car boots is used for the VH as well as the field. The work on the play area groundwork is set to start in the next few weeks. This was discussed and Cllr Ward proposed that the PC should agree to pay for the matting (quoted at £1,140) for the play area and this was resolved.  It was agreed that the grass cutting and maintenance should be discussed again in November so that it can be considered as part of next year’s precept.


This work has been budgeted for in the precept.  It was resolved to replace two more on the High Street.

731        CEMETERY

a)            The Chairman and Clerk had visited the cemetery to consider work required to improve maintenance and the appearance.  The Chairman proposed that uneven areas should be levelled off with top soil with a dressing of grass seed and a maintenance notice going on display ASAP and the work to be carried out at the end of October.  Costs involved would be handyman wages and grass seed. To be followed by the removal of the excess soil which has been left under the hedgerows which the Chairman would obtain a price for.  This was resolved.

b)            Vandalism.  After discussion and consideration of the potential insurance claim and excess due, Cllr Ward proposed that the broken bench should not be replaced and this was resolved.  The Chairman said he would remove the bolts from the floor.

732        LAPTOP

The Clerk requires a new laptop.  The approximate cost will be £400.  Cllr Coram proposed that the Clerk should find a suitable replacement and the Cllrs should agree to the purchase by email to speed up the process and this was resolved.

733        ALLOTMENTS

A tree has fallen into Plot 6 and a quotation received to have it removed.  Parishioner suggested contacting the tenant of Plot 5 to see if they could help.  It was proposed that we would do that, if unsuccessful we should ask for help on Facebook then further afield and this was resolved. It was also noted that another tree in that plot is leaning and needs felling.


It was proposed and resolved that we should organise the beacon lighting and use Facebook and NSM to find volunteers to organise an event which the PC may support and ask parishioners to decorate their houses.

735        LCC REPORT

Cllr Briggs had sent his apologies.

736        NKDC REPORT

Cllr Goldson congratulated the Emergency Plan group and Parish Council on organising the Emergency Plan.  He will chase up the situation regarding maintenance responsibilities of the road up to the village hall.  NKDC Cllrs are concerned that the S19 flood reporting is disjointed between organisations.


It was resolved to provisionally agree the date of the next meeting as 11 September 2024 at 7.30pm.


It was resolved to move into closed session.

739        STAFF MATTERS

The Clerk’s contract was reviewed and discussed, proposed by Cllr Ward and resolved with changes to take place from the beginning of August 2024.

Handyman contract was discussed and it was proposed by Cllr Coram that this be looked at again in November with a view to any changes taking place in April 2025 and this was resolved.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.31pm.

Item 725 FANS report

1)            Following the meeting of the IDB with three members of the group some weeks ago, The IDB have strangely gone very quiet. Our requests for call back are unanswered and our e mails do not receive a response. This is in the process of being escalated and the meeting that we had was we felt extremely positive.

2)            We understand that Mr & Mrs Whitford of Clear View on Besthorpe road are still in discussion with the highways team but do now have agreement that the culvert will be cleared for them.

3)            Significant work is being undertaken by a member of the group regarding the sources of water to the dyke and the legality of some of the historic planning and whether the attenuation pits in place are satisfactory. This is a long term process but will ultimately provide essential information regarding the villages potential exposure.

4)            A detailed map/plan has now been received of all the drainage highways are  responsible for in the village. Rob is in contact with them regarding a program of clearance and maintenance.

5)            Rob & I met with three members of the management team from the EA on 10th June . A full and frank discussion was held discussing all aspects. Bank height, grass cutting and channel clearance. Along with other potential long term ideas of how we can move the process forward to provide the village with a safe environment for the future. In detail

a.            Grass cutting from Cloddbridge Lane to the A1133 will take place during June & July. This is the top levels of the bank only and not the channel This has now been started and due to continue over several sessions.

b.            The new appointed contractor has been on site and walked the length of the Dyke with relevant members and has a clear plan of scope. This work will be constantly over viewed by the senior EA member responsible for the clearance.

c.            No works can take place on the channel until September. This is a DEFRA regulation to protect wildlife. The EA were adamant that they follow these regulations although it was pointed out to them that others such as Witham Drainage Board take a more flexible approach.

d.            In September the lower banks will be cut and vegetation removed from the channel. At this time, the depth and silt levels will be reviewed and if required will be removed.

e.            The soil bund that was established after storm Babet between the bridge on high street and the bridge entrance to 1,3 &5 Chapel lane was discussed and these discussions are still ongoing.

f.            Responses to a number of questions are still outstanding and regular chasing is taking place to ensure that our presence is felt.

g.            We do feel that if satisfactory work has not taken place by the end of September, we with the support of hopefully The PC and local councillors, and MP we will need to UP The Pressure.