Agenda for a meeting on 13 November 2024
Parish Clerk: Hayley Broderick
PO Box 1344, Lincoln, LN5 5UE
Telephone: 07907 328215 *** email:
To all members of North Scarle Parish Council
You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of North Scarle Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 13 November 2024 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
There will be a 15 minute public forum at the start of the meeting:
- members of the public may ask questions or make short statements (3 minutes max.) to the Council regarding subjects which are on the agenda. These comments will be noted and addressed by Council at the appropriate point in the meeting and not during the public forum.
- any comments or questions relating to items not on the agenda should be emailed or posted to the Parish Clerk (details above). If appropriate they will be added to a future agenda.
- during the Parish Council meeting, no further comments will be heard from members of the public unless invited to contribute by the Chairman.
H Broderick
Clerk to North Scarle Parish Council
1. Apologies
2. To receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or other Interests as outlined in the Council's Code of Conduct.
3. Notes of the meeting held on 11 September 2024 to be approved as the Minutes of that meeting.
4. Planning - information already forwarded to Parish Councillors:
Applications - comments submitted to NKDC after collation of email responses due to timescale and in accordance with Standing Orders
24/0956/FUL – proposed replacement warehouse - Cranswick Pet Products, Lodge Farm, Wigsley Road. No objections (all in favour).
Decision Notices - for information only
24/0793/HOUS – single storey garden room extension to replace existing conservatory – Brookfield House, Spalford Road - application approved.
5. Mill Dam Dyke and water course.
- FANS will provide an update on the current situation.
- Correspondence received by the Parish Council from Dr Caroline Johson MP and PC’s reply.
6. Sewerage working party update. Cllr Susan Walsh to provide an update.
7. Schedule of payments made between 1 September 2024 and 31 October 2024 has been circulated to the Councillors.
- Councillors to raise any questions regarding the payments made.
- Paid invoices to be signed and countersigned to indicate Councillors’ agreement.
8. Village Hall and Playing Field.
Bruce Coram to speak on behalf of the VH&PF regarding funding request and Parish Councillors to discuss and resolve the matter.
9. Pinfold. Discuss and agree removal of sumac trees which have encroached into neighbouring land.
10. Cemetery.
- Discuss further increase in charges as resolved at the September 2023 meeting.
- Used nitrous oxide cannisters have been found on several occasions recently. Discuss possible action/solutions.
11. Discuss quote for warranty cover for the SIDs at a cost of £199 +VAT per SID for 3 years’ cover.
12. Church. Gate needs repairing - discuss and agree to cost of repair.
13. VE Day event. Update on any possible event and response to advert in NSM and on Facebook.
14. Banking. Clerk would like Parish Councillors to agree to an application for a debit card so that online purchases can be made without her having to pay and be reimbursed.
15. Policies. To discuss/agree new versions of the following policies:
- Grants (new)
- Sexual Harassment (new)
- Anonymous communication (new)
- Communications (update)
16. LCC Councillor to provide a report if appropriate.
17. NKDC Councillor to provide a report if appropriate.
18. Resolve to agree provisional date of next meeting (15th January 2025).
19. Resolve to move into Closed Session.
20. Allotments. Discuss quotes to remove fallen tree and felling of 2 other unsafe trees.
21. Discuss and agree cost of a new hedge trimmer.
22. Discuss amendment requested for the land tenancy agreement.
23. Heritage Room.
- Tenancy agreement.
- Quote for work to replace faulty hot water unit.
24. Staff matters.