Minutes of May 2019 meeting
Minutes of a Meeting held on
15 May 2019 at 7.30pm in the Church Hall
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting including LCC Cllr M Thompson and 10 Parishioners
Cllr D Russell (Chair) Cllr S Walsh Cllr D Jennings
Cllr A Walsh Cllr R Honey Mrs H Broderick (Clerk)
Open session
None |
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Declaration of Office forms and Declarations on Pecuniary Interests forms were completed. |
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ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN It was resolved that Cllr David Russell would be elected to Chairman and Cllr David Jennings be elected to Vice-Chairman. |
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TO RECEIVE ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. |
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MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS HELD ON 13 MARCH 2019 It was resolved to adopt the Minutes as a true record and these were signed by the Chairman. |
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CODE OF CONDUCT It was resolved to adopt the revised Code of Conduct (version 2). |
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CO-OPTION OF NEW PARISH COUNCILLORS No applications have been received. |
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BANKS' CHARITY It was resolved that Cllr Susan Walsh would join the Committee of the Banks' Charity. |
PLANNING having already been circulated to Cllrs 19/0083/FUL - Fir Tree Farm, Spalford Lane - Erection of replacement building for storage and horses. It was resolved that there were no objections. 19/0426/FUL - Holly Tree Farm, Eagle Road - Erection of annexe. It was resolved that there were no objections. 19/0520/VARCON - Land adj to Fir Tree Lodge - to vary condition 11 (footway and surface water run off). It was resolved to object due to the need for footpath at that location and for adequate soakaways to be installed. Determinations - for information purposes only 19/0055/FUL - Tea Rooms conversion - determined and approved. 18/1668/HOUS - 30 School Lane, extension - determined and approved. |
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HERITAGE ROOM Clerk informed that NKDC require PC to have formal sub-lease with sub-tenant (postmistress). Clerk is obtaining quotes for this to be drawn up. PC had intended to sign lease but tenant stated that they wouldn't pay their 50% of the lease fee until the electrics are repaired. Liability for these repairs was only confirmed to the PC recently hence work has been delayed. PC will obtain quotes for the work ASAP. Regulations don't allow PC to pay the full amount for the lease. It was therefore resolved to postpone signing of lease. As there is no disabled access to the toilet it was resolved that the toilet will no longer be available to the public. |
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CEMETERY CAR PARK Cllr Russell explained the delay in getting the work done. Favoured quote was received from Fearn Plant Limited. Cllrs Honey and Jennings to follow this up. |
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ANNUAL GOVERNANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY RETURN 2018/19 It was resolved to approve and agree the AGAR 2018/19 as prepared and based on the accounts which had previously been circulated to the Parish Councillors. |
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E-ON INVOICE Clerk explained there is an outstanding amount of £592.34 in respect of street lighting which has come about due to a refund being received streetlights were converted to LED. The account had been in credit until a year ago but due to an oversight had remained unpaid since then. It was resolved that this amount should now be paid. |
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BANK ACCOUNT SIGNATORIES It was resolved that Cllr Susan Walsh would become a signatory on the bank account. |
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STREET LIGHT REPAIRS Clerk had received notification from E-on that repairs are needed to South Scarle Lane lights no 22 and 23 at a cost of £1,900 +VAT. It was resolved that this work should go ahead. |
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DONATION REQUEST FROM CITIZENS ADVICE MID LINCOLNSHIRE It was resolved that this request be refused due to there being no local contact, the offices being in Sleaford and Boston |
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CLUSTER MEETINGS Clerk to re-send the questionnaire to Cllrs for their input. |
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The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.40pm.
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