Minutes of July 2019 meeting
Minutes of a Meeting held on
10 July 2019 at 7.30pm in the Church Hall
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting including LCC Cllr M Thompson, NKDC Cllr P Overton and 6 Parishioners
Cllr D Russell (Chair) Cllr S Walsh Cllr D Jennings
Cllr A Walsh Cllr R Honey Mrs H Broderick (Clerk)
Open session |
No comments. |
None. |
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TO RECEIVE ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. |
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MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS HELD ON 15 MAY 2019 It was resolved to adopt the Minutes as a true record and these were signed by the Chairman. |
PLANNING having already been circulated to Cllrs 19/0725/FUL - All Saints Church, Church Lane - Replacement of existing lead roof - there were no objections. 19/0503/HOUS and 19/0765/LBC - Pear Tree Farm, 2 Eagle Road - Demolition of existing porch and coal store and erection of single storey rear extension. Renovation of existing barn - there were no objections. 17/1751/HOUS - Planning appeal. Land adj to Sycamore Cottage, Spalford Lane - Erection of 5 bungalows, car parking, access road and flood water balancing lagoon. Objections due to the strain on the sewerage system. Determinations - for information purposes only 19/0283/HOUS - Stone Cottage - determined and approved. 18/1417/FUL - Field Farm, Besthorpe Road - determined and approved. 19/0083/FUL - Fir Tree Farm, Spalford Lane - determined and approved. 19/0520/VARCON - Land adj to Fir Tree Farm, Eagle Road - determined and approved. |
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SEVERN TRENT REPORT Councillor David Russell read out a report from Severn Trent (attached). Cllr Jennings proposed that PC write to Severn Trent, NKDC, LCC, local MP and the Environment Agency regarding the problems in the village - resolved to do so. Drains were cleaned recently - egg shells were found. School toilets have been blocked. Cllr A Walsh suggested problems have been ongoing for 30 years. Cllr Russell queried situation re Mill Dam Dyke clearing/grass cutting. NKDC Cllr Overton requested he be informed of the current position after the meeting. |
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LAWN MOWER Clerk read out a note from Steve Titterton informing PC that the mower may soon not be fit for purpose. |
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CLERK'S TRAINING DAY It was resolved that the Clerk could attend a training day on 11th September. Travel expenses will be reimbursed |
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page 24: 10.07.19 FINANCES A schedule of expenses since the previous meeting was circulated to the Parish Councillors - there were no queries. It was resolved to sign off invoices paid via BACS during the closed session |
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HGVs on SCHOOL LANE There have been problems previously, but it was resolved to monitor the effect of the new 30mph passive notices.
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SUGGESTIONS FOR NEW ROAD NAME FOR DEVELOPMENT ON EAGLE ROAD It was resolved that the PC would suggest Wells Close* in memory of Barbara Wells. *Subsequent to the meeting a suggestion of Barbara Wells Close was received by the PC. This was put to the PC but rejected in favour of Wells Close.
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DONATION REQUEST TOWARDS REPAIRS TO THE CHURCH ROOF Clerk had received information from LALC that the PC cannot give to the Church for its upkeep. It was resolved that the PC would not give a donation but that the Clerk would research the possibility under s.138B of the 1894 Act.
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LCC COUNCILLOR MIKE THOMPSON Cllr Thompson read out his report (attached). He confirmed Wigsley Road/Spalford Lane will be scheduled for repair but no dates yet. He suggested the subsidence on the village hall approach be reported again - clerk to action.
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REPORT FROM NKDC COUNCILLOR SALLY APPLEBY Clerk read out this report (attached).
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DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on 11th September 2019.
CLOSED SESSION It was resolved to move into closed session. |
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CLERK'S CONTRACT The clerk's new contract had been circulated to the PC prior to the meeting. It was resolved to agree it and it was signed. |
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NEW BANK MANDATE The new bank mandate was signed and taken away by Cllr Susan Walsh for completion and return to the clerk. |
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HERITAGE ROOM Terms of the necessary sub-lease were discussed and agreed. Quotes for the legal work were considered and it was resolved to employ Legal Services Lincolnshire for this work. |
BACS PAYMENTS Item 141 carried forward from full meeting - paid invoices in the period were signed and countersigned. |
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.20pm.
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